Soulvas about

Unify SOuLVAS Principles

What brings the SOuLVAS and DOERS together

Soulvas Inclusive


  • Everyone and Anyone’s voice can be heard
  • Sense of belonging across all people
  • Access to resources for every one
  • Platform to express themselves 
  • Collective goals that includes all backgrounds
  • Rewards based on merit for all
  • Representative problem solving
opportunity campus soulvas

Opportunity Creation

  • We open doors for SOuLVAS to thrive
  • Creativity thinking enabled
  • Targeted and industry specific opportunities unearthed
  • Access to opportunity creators 
  • Game Changers given free role
  • Opportunities unearthed through creating solutions
self starter

Self Starting and Entreprenuerial

  • Creating of some thing from nothing
  • Risk taking promoted
  • Creative thoughts and actions
  • Discipline cultivated
  • Resoluteness nurtured
  • All efforts contribute towards building enterprises 
Soulvas must have Grit

Grit and Resilience

  • Passion developed
  • Perseverance supported
  • Preparedness to Life hardships
  • Unfazed by failure
  • Mental toughness built
  • Overcoming of all obtacles in thr problem solving journey
Soulvas Builder and growers

Builders and Growers

  • Developmental path followed
  • Tapping on knowledge of those in the know
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Practical Mentors availed 


  • In it for the long haul 
  • Togetherness
  • Candor 
  • Constructive Feedback 
  • Positive Intent
  •  Mutually Beneficial Conflict Management

The SOuLVAS Identity

Who are the SOuLVAS? Mind, Body and SOuLVAS


soulvas do do

SOuLVAS are people of Action. The eLxA Doers Kit  is central to orchestrating and guiding this action. This has a link to habits built, beliefs nurtured and stories told by SOuLVAS about themselved


Build good habits

SOuLVAS  pick habits that enable the Do’ing to occur as required. The SOuLVAS Drive and eLxA Doers practices are geared tpwards creating healthy habits fpr the SOuLVAS. The 5-95 Initiative has this in mind


Soulvas Believe in themselves

As a SOuLVA you are what you believe you are. This is why  true SOuLVAS believe that they can have an impact on their lives and the society at large through problem solving and follow up actions as required 


Soulvas tell good stories about themeselves

The SOuLVAS life narratives are that of winners,  life challenges conquerers and determiners of their destiny. This goes beyond the old tales that pull people back and limits thier potential 


soulvas indentity

SOuLVAS have a solid identity refined by reflecting on their past, reconfiguring the limiting  societal programming that impedes success and creating a progressive identity that takes the SOuLVAS to where they want to be.

SOuLVAS Culture

Frequently asked question about the SOuLVAS way

  • ABOLUTELY- SOuLVAS Initiative touches on the lives of every one
  • You can always find a place for yourself as Mat’ada Presenter – Presenting Problems and issues to impair ideal quality of life and or Mat’ada Shatter- where you use your expertise to help solve problems
  • Get in contact with the SOuLVAS Central Office
  • Submit your names, contact details and areas of interest
  • Get yourself the Life Doer’s Kit to assist in living a life of action and implementation of your goals
  • Once SOuLVAS Central receives your information you are in !!!
  • Joining SOuLVAS as a Mat’ada Presenter or Mat’ada Shatter is free
  • Mat’ada Shatters interested in participating in Consulting Projects are required to register with an administration fee of USD50
  • The SOuLVAS Initiative affords you a membership for life
  • You can always find a place for yourself as Matada Presenter – Presenting Problems and issues impair ideal quality of life and or Matada Shatter
  • Reach SOuLVAS Central to Register as Mat’ada Shatter– Allows you to play a part in problems structuring and solution finding
  • You need passion, drive and expertise in a particular field that life problems are found in.
  • Guided Approach to important life issues
  • As group
  • Harnessing of the collective efforts to solve problems
  • Brings together resources needed to implement solutions
  • As Individuals and Families
  • Improved standing on you Finances, Health, Wealth Creation, Risk Management and Sustainability
  • Yes,. Allow relatives and friends to be Registered SOuLVAS too
  • Get in contact with SOuLVAS Central for referral of potential members
  • Opportunity to undertake group participation
  • Build a better communities and strengthens existing bonds
  • Allows collaborative efforts to be better harnessed
  • SOuLVAS has a sound Privacy Policy in place
  • Member information will not be shared with any third party without their prior approval
  • SOuLVAS to maintain their eLxA Doer’s Kit workings in their own devices and a secure cloud storage
  • SOuLVAS can participate through their coded name and/or anonymously. As long as their true details are declared with SOuLVAS Central
  • Reach the SOuLVAS Central through the contact number, email and direct messaging on the Social Media Pages
  • Whatsapp +267 73774890
  • ;
  • Yes,,
  • Reach SOuLVAS Central for your nearest regional support
  • Assist in growing your regional membership to allow peer support and solving of regional issues
  • SOuLVAS endeavours to give the best service
  • Peer assistance is also promoted
  • In the event that assistance is not obtained from the 1st point of assistance, contact SOuLVAS Head
  • Complaints and Escalation procedure in place at SOuLVAS